A smart - and attainable - goal is 200,000. The list of reasons why dairies should constantly work to lower their herd somatic cell count (SCC) is both long and old. Reasons that were good decades ago...
Hoard's Dairyman webinar discusses considerations when going to robots. Larry Tranel, Iowa State University, spoke on robotic milking during the August 12 Hoard's Dairyman webinar, titled "Is robotic milking...
By getting to know the parts of a calf's respiratory "engine," farms are better equipped to troubleshoot breakdowns in defense. "It's tough to fix an engine until you know how it works. The same is true...
Chinese consumption and U.S. production are growing at the same rate. Sourcing safe, local raw milk remains expensive in many nations. Countries that are currently in a milk deficit will continue to struggle...
All-American Dairy Show celebrates golden anniversary. This September marks the 50th Anniversary for the All-American Dairy Show (AADS) in Harrisburg, Pa. There are six prominent families that stepped...
How can the dairy industry work against the odds? The way we grow up has more of an affect on our habits than one would think. Specifically, we are influenced by the actions of our parents. If you grew...
Across the four monitored milk-marketing orders, a 5.9 percent drop in somatic cell count was achieved. U.S. dairy producers continued to make strides toward lowering bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC)...
Regancrest Farm strives to balance quality genetics and management. In the dairy community, Regancrest is associated with elite Holstein bulls like Regancrest Elton Durham-ET and deep cow families, like...
Annual June event entertains and showcases technology. Dane County is home to Wisconsin's state capital, Madison. But, on June 8, the focus went from the city to the country as the Dane County's 35th annual...
Despite many promotional efforts, fluid milk consumption has been on the decline since the 1940s. Promotion efforts like the "Got Milk?" campaign and the "Fuel Up to Play 60" program are supported by dairy...
2013 Farm Progress Hay Expo had plenty to see and learn about. For hay and forage enthusiasts, the 2013 Farm Progress Hay Expo was the place to be. There were numerous equipment line-ups and demonstrations...
In the 1916 issues of Hoard's Dairyman, Dr. E.V. McCollum first reported the discovery of vitamins. In present day ration balancing, vitamin requirements have become an integral portion of any software...
While soft sales late last year do toss up a red flag, demand for dairy products in leading U.S. markets should remain strong throughout 2013. "Predicting U.S. dairy exports is always challenging, but...
A field study done by Penn State Extension suggests water quality may be linked to dairy herd milk production. Penn State Extension recently completed a field study of water quality on Pennsylvania dairy...
Cash grain farmers have experienced one of the best financial runs in the history of American dairy farming. How much longer will it last? For those growing corn, soybeans, wheat and other small grains,...
The drought has been hard on pastureland, so extra attention should be given to prepare paddocks for this growing season. The drought that affected much of the United States last summer will likely have...
The old saying "Don't judge a book by its cover" could be used to describe fluid milk packaging. Milk packs nine essential nutrients and is part of a healthy diet for children and adults
While genomics is new to Ayrshire breeders this April, and it has gradually made inroads in Brown Swiss circles, the DNA-based science has completely transformed how we mate and market Holsteins and Jerseys
The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) took its first official action relating to the transition of U.S. genetic evaluations by releasing the fee schedule for genomic evaluations
Members, delegates, directors and employees of the Associated Milk Producers Cooperative met in Bloomington, Minn., for its annual meeting on March 25 and 26